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Arnesby Animal Day 🦙🐢🐰🐮🐶

We recently welcomed some very special guests to Arnesby School! Our children got the chance to have a hands-on learning experience with local animals, which included a tortoise and calf, lambs, dogs, guinea pigs and alpacas! 🐮🐢

Year 6 in particular used the day to reflect on their current topic of evolution and adaptation, learning how alpacas are suited to their environment from their native South Africa.  

Rev Stephen was also in attendance to bless the animals, and the children took time to worship and celebrate the local environment and animals.

Well done to our School Council for coming up with such a great idea, and thank you all the parents and villagers who helped out! A special thank you to our resident vet, Ivy, who had her first aid kit on hand! 🩺👏