Admissions Arrangements

Arnesby CE Primary School is a member of Embrace Multi Academy Trust. This means that the Trust is the admissions authority; however, the Trust delegates admission decisions to each of its school's local governing body.

In formulating our admissions policy, the school has consulted with Leicester Diocesan Board of Education, local academies, Leicestershire County Council and the required governing bodies of community and voluntary controlled schools for which the Local Authority is the admission authority.

If you are considering applying for a place for your child at our school, please see the relevant arrangements below.

Mid Term (In Year) Admissions Arrangements

If you are thinking of moving your child(ren) to our school, please call us on 0116 247 8563 or email us at to enquire if we have places available in the relevant year group(s). We will gladly offer you a tour of the school with a representative from our leadership team.

Mid-term applications should be made on the form below which should be completed and emailed to You will be notified of the admission decision within 10 school days. If applicable, you will also be notified of the appeal procedure (see Admissions Appeals below).
